« What is well conceived is clearly stated,
And the words to say it come easily. »
Nicolas Boileau 


Let's Stay Friends

It is one thing to welcome you in a cosy and family atmosphere,
Designing a site and exposing it to the world is another.

Thank you for your indulgence,
and wish you a good visit on our website.

Georges and Marie-Claude TARABBIA  


Contact details,

The website Au Pied de la Cité is published by by Mr and Me TARABBIA, 50, rue de la Gaffe - 11000 CARCASSONNE (France).

Publication Director,

Georges TARABBIA (


The website Au Pied de la Cité is hosted at :

1&1 - IONOS
7 Place de la Gare.
57200 Sarreguemines
Tél. 09 70 80 89 11


Reporting Illegal Content,

In accordance with article 6-I-7 of the LCEN Act of 21 June 2004, you may report to us any content likely to have the characteristics of the offences referred to in the fifth and eighth paragraphs of article 24 of the Act of 29 July 1881 on freedom of the press and article 227-23 of the Criminal Code: apology for crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred, child pornography.
Please let us know precisely the nature of the content, the page on which it appears, the date on which you were able to view this content on our pages as well as your surname, first name and address without forgetting a means allowing us to contact you quickly (telephone, e-mail, etc...).
The LCEN law provides that any abuse of reporting will be punishable by one year's imprisonment and a fine of €15,000.

Information Compliance,

The photos presented on this site are only suggestions for presentation, they can in no way be contractual. Likewise, the information, including any prices mentioned, cannot engage the responsibility of the publisher in any way. We make every effort to check the truth and accuracy of the information at the time of publication, and we undertake to rectify it as soon as possible in the event of erroneous data.


The publisher reserves the right to modify all or part of this legal notice page as it deems necessary.

Credits & Copyrights

Copy Rights,

Any reproduction, even partial, of the site, whatever the process, is forbidden without the authorisation of the Publisher. However quotations and short extracts are tolerated. Similarly, you can make links to the pages of our site provided if your site or blog is not against morality or the laws in force.

Photo Credits,

Mr and Me TARABBIA, Fotolia, Adobe Stock, Pixabay, SysgloberS. The brands and pictures mentioned remain the property of their respective authors and holders. We commit ourselves to withdraw on simple request any information or picture that could present the slightest nuisance. Do not copy our photos, we are of a natural sharing, contact us to expose us your projects.

Au Pied de la Cité

50, rue de la Gaffe

+ 33 (0)4 68 25 41 86

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By SysgloberS